
Hi! I'm Asis.

Let's make your data work for you!

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Hey there!

I'm a multidisciplinary engineer from Spain, currently looking for new challenges in the fascinating world of data. Ever since I was a teenager, I've enjoyed solving problems and understanding the logic behind them. In 2014, I graduated from the Technical University of Madrid with a master's degree in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering and since then have worked in Germany and the USA, where I learned the local languages and thrived in assimilating to totally new cultures. In 2019, I decided to switch gears in my professional career and do what I feel passionate about: Code scripts and develop software make sense of data and automate menial tasks to save time and money-I love efficiency!!

I consider myself a polymath and love learning new things: playing guitar, partner acrobatics, surfing and juggling are just a few of my favorite pastimes.

If you've read this far and are looking for help with data analytics, machine learning, data processing, or just want to chat about interesting projects, do not hesitate to contact me!

Do you...

Want to process and analyze your data effectively to make business decisions?
Want to save time automating your processes?
Like cats?

I got your back!

Data Science and Analytics
  • Web scraping and APIs
  • Data cleaning and processing
  • Data visualization and storytelling
  • Personalized dashboards
  • Machine learning modeling
  • SQL query design
Automation Scripts
  • Processing of multiple CSV, Excel Sheets, PDFs
  • API requests
  • Generation of Documents
Web Development
  • Full-stack design
  • Web deployment


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